CSTA at the House of Commons

The CSTA were represented at the House of Commons today by Amal and Beatrice, discussing the potential threat to all complementary therapies that recent and ill thought-through proposals from the NHS and Charity Commission may bring about on an international scale.

Herbal and homeopathic medicines are specifically being examined, closely followed by acupuncture, but the impact will be felt by all complementary therapies. Sign the petition here:

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Craniosacral Therapy & Migraines

Craniosacral Therapy and its effectiveness for migraines got a mention in the Sunday Telegraph's Stella Magazine!:

"Craniosacral therapy, which uses gentle touch to manipulate the body, does exactly that. ‘Craniosacral therapy improves the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid and movement of fascia, the sheath of fibrous tissue that encloses the muscle. It also greatly benefits the central nervous system, which controls every system in the body from hormones to muscles,’ O’Connor explained.

I headed for a treatment three months ago. Far from being painful, I nearly dozed off. It didn’t wipe out my symptoms completely but I found was able to join in with my children’s One Direction warbling on the way to and from school, rather than demanding we travel in silence."

The Belly Button

In CST we often work with the naval centre. The belly button, made up of scar tissue is a reminder of our greatest battle: being born. Once tethering us to our mother, it is the portal through which we manifest into material existence. Supplying nutrients between bodies, it is our lifeline, and if cut too soon after birth, the shock can leave its mark. Consisting of reflex points that affect the health of the whole body, it is surrounded by neurons igniting communication through the gut and onto the brain. The original seat of consciousness, although for most deflected via the heart to the head; an anchor for our primary life force centre.

Stress - National Stress Awareness Day

When I treat a stressed person during CST, their system often feels as if it is bubbling or fizzing, as if something is preparing to implode. Sometimes the body starts to lightly shake as releases begin to happen, or sometimes the system and body tissues can feel quite frozen or contracted. Emotions may surface, or there can simply be a deep sense of relief and relaxation. As the treatment progresses the breath deepens, fluidity returns and there is a sense of expansion and peace.

When our bodies are constantly in 'flight or fight' mode, for example when we're anxious, working too hard or under any kind of pressure, our 'rest or digest' mode is compromised and our body can't carry out its normal functions properly, or heal. We can become tense, run down, disconnected and overwhelmed. CST works directly with nervous system to re-connect us to a state of calmness, clarity and renewed energy.

You don't have to travel far to escape stress...

You don't have to travel far to escape stress...

As above, So Below

As Above, So Below. The cranium and the pelvis are 'bowls' in the body that reflect distortions in one another and down the spine, affecting the whole system. In CST we can affect the whole body by working with the bones in the skull. Even misalignments in the jaw discovered during dental work can be reflected in the pelvis and vice versa. Picture taken in The Wellcome Collection.


Releasing held emotions from the body: This Thing You Do

I'm deeply touched by this beautiful poem from a client about her experiences of CST. Often, Craniosacral Therapy can assist past stresses and emotions to emerge and release, creating a sense of space and enabling us to move forward.

THIS THING YOU DO......          

What is this thing you do - could you heal the world -

give your life up to that?  Not die for but live for


The baby, plugged in for her short life, tiny chest rises and falls

 at the behest of a machine, could you have saved her


Day-lily buds rose-tipped wait for tomorrow

to fulfil themselves.  One glorious day.


She is beautiful, her soft cheeks faintly flushed

rounded,  well-nourished in the womb,  as if robust.


Jasmine, beside itself with blossom and scent

never so lush, never this heady this heavenly.


This babe has not learned to smile yet if smiling is learned,

she has little to smile for, but neither does she cry out.


Bindweed wreaks it's havoc, Convolvulos, fragile

white trumpets bely habit, choke sweetness.


The baby, enclosed, out of reach, no tender finger  

to soothe her day.  Nothing now to hold on to.


Looking up, sunlit splendour of a weeping Plane tree

reminds me, life is magnificent........


this thing you do is love, does the baby remember love

could that love have saved her......


could I have set her free if I had loved her more

if her fate had not been sealed by medical decree........

Fay Avsec     7.2015